8 Tips to Choosing the Right Handbag For You

So you need a new handbag. What should you buy and why? Your choices include designer handbags, replicas of designer handbags, vintage handbags, and discount store handbags. Check these features before you spend your hard-earned money on a new handbag.

1. Use. Is this handbag for daily use or special occasions? Your every day handbag needs to be sturdy, attractive, and fit your lifestyle. For example, you may need a combination handbag and briefcase or a backpack that holds a lot of stuff.

2. Price. A designer handbag may be a good long-term investment. Look the bag over carefully before you buy it because there are lots of designer knock-offs. The eHow website gives tips for spotting fake Gucci handbags. One is to visit the Gucci Website and study handbag features. If you are in a discount store, check the tag for misspelled words and grammatical errors. See if the color has faded. Check the stitching and the logo. If the G looks like an E the bag is a fake.

3. Style. You have a dizzying array of handbags to choose from: strap, shoulder, tote, satchel, laptop, backpack, and more. Vintage handbags are available in stores and on the Internet. According to the Style Chicago Website, "A vintage handbag can be a timeless and unique statement piece in your wardrobe."

4. Size. The handbag you choose should be in scale with your height, weight, and bone structure. If you are petite and buy an oversized handbag you may look like you are hauling bricks. On the other hand, if you are going on a trip, an oversized handbag may be just what you need. I bought an oversized handbag for a trip to Los Angeles and, though it is big, it still meets airline safety requirements.

5. Materials. Choose from cloth, suede, quilted leather handbags, smooth leather, textured leather (like crocodile), imitation leather, quilt fabrics, canvas, lucite, and more. Again, choose a material that matches your lifestyle. Check the label for cleaning instructions.

6. Workmanship. I learned the importance of workmanship after I bought an imitation leather handbag. It had a magnetic clasp and I really liked this feature. I liked the inside pockets, too, until I found a hole and my change fell out. The change landed in between the lining and the outside of the handbag. Though I mended the hole, I did not trust the bag any more, and donated it to a rummage sale.

7. Color. Your wardrobe may be based on a neutral color -- black, brown, tan, or blue. You may choose a handbag that matches this color, or one with an accent color, such as orange, yellow, or green.

8. Weight. Hold the handbag, or put the strap over your shoulder, and assess the weight. Does it feel good or is it too heavy? Imagine the weight of the handbag after it is full.

Choosing a handbag can be fun if you check these features. Your handbag is a fashion statement -- a fashion accessory and expression of you. Have fun!

Author by Harriet Hodgson, Published by Need4Tips.blogspot.com

Harriet Hodgson has been an independent journalist for 30 years. She is a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors, the Association of Health Care Journalists, and the Association for Death Education and Counseling. Her 24th book, "Smiling Through Your Tears: Anticipating Grief," written with Lois Krahn, MD, is available from Amazon.

Centering Corporation in Omaha, Nebraska has published her 26th book, "Writing to Recover: The Journey from Loss and Grief to a New Life." The company has also published a companion resource, the "Writing to Recover Journal," which contains 100 writing prompts.

Please visit Harriet's Website and learn more about this busy author and grandmother.