Healthy Shiny Hair Tips

The tips below are simple... you may already practice some of them. But it all adds up. Everything from your comb to your shampoo can make a difference in the appearance of your hair. Just a small amount of daily attention will pay off in healthy, shiny locks.

  • The scalp contains approximately 100,000 strands of hair, on average.
  • We lose about 100 hairs a day. So don't panic when you see strands in your brush.
  • Hair grows at the rate of 1/2 per month.
  • Each strand lasts about 4 1/2 years... all the more reason to take care of your hair!

Shampoo and a Massage
The first tip is to treat your hair gently. Excessive washing and blow drying are harsh. Shampoo often enough to keep clean, but no more. This may be daily for oily hair... less often for dry. For shiny, healthy hair, treat your scalp to a mini-massage before you shampoo. My hairdresser does this and it feels so good!

A scalp massage will:
  1. Stimulate blood flow
  2. Nourish hair follicles
  3. Encourage skin cell renewal

Using your fingertips and thumbs on dry hair, begin the massage at your forehead. Work in a circular motion, pressing the scalp beneath your fingers. Continue massaging, moving on to the crown. Finish at the back of your head.

(Side note: Stressed? Don't wait for shampoo time. A scalp massage is a great stress reliever anytime.)

Next, rinse with plain water to remove dirt and residual product. Then apply shampoo to the scalp. Work through to ends. Rinse thoroughly. Finish by applying conditioner as needed... again, rinse thoroughly.

To avoid potentially toxic ingredients, choose natural shampoo. The best shampoo is free of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES). SLS and SLES are harsh detergents found in most shampoos, shower gels, and liquid soaps. Their job is to make suds. Unfortunately, they may irritate your scalp in the process and may contribute to hair loss.

Be gentle!

Wet hair is especially delicate. Use a wide toothed comb, not a brush, to gently untangle hair. Work from the ends up. Combs and brushes should have round, smooth tips and widely spaced teeth or bristles.

Fun in the Sun and Swimming Pools

Sun, wind, chlorine, and salt water can be harsh. Dry, chemically treated hair is particularly vulnerable. The sun harms hair protein while salt water and chlorine rob moisture from the cuticle.

Minimize exposure when in the sun for extended periods. The best protection is a hat. Alternatively, wear hair up or in a ponytail. And replenish moisture with conditioner after swimming.

Aromatherapy for Hair

Here's a tip you'll love. It's a simple pleasure with dual benefits. It will enhance your hair and your well-being. Rub 2-3 drops of pure essential oil onto your hair brush and gently work through.

Yes... it's that easy!

Choose an essential oil for your hair type:
  • Dry - Rosemary or Sandalwood oil.
  • Oily - Eucalyptus, Lemon, Cedarwood, or Sage oil.
  • All types - Geranium, Rose, or Lavender oil.

Experiment by mixing two or three of your favorite oils together.

Now that's a tip you and your hair will both love!

Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse

Product buildup can dull hair. A simple solution is a homemade hair rinse. Apple cider vinegar is ideal as it encourages blood circulation as it corrects the PH balance of your hair.

Healthy Hair Rinse

  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1 cup water
  • 2-4 drops essential oil (optional)

Mix ingredients in a glass or plastic bottle. Shampoo and rinse hair thoroughly. Use the apple cider mixture as a final rinse. Allow to soak into hair for a few seconds. Rinse with cool water.

Voila... soft, shiny hair!

Treat your hair to this rinse once a week.

Video Top 10 Healthy Hair Tips!

Does your shampoo contain toxic ingredients? Read All Natural Shampoo to find hidden health hazards. Discover natural solutions for beautiful hair and skin at